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HAWMC Day 13: 10 Things I Can't Live Without

Missed another day... darn it. I'll definitely write at least one extra post one of these days. And I can't miss anymore! I've now used my two free days.

But, anyway... back to this post. What are the ten things I can not live without? Let's find out. (Note: I'm not including obvious things like food, water, etc. I'm also sticking to "things." Friends and family would, of course, be at the top of my list. Also, my doctor would be on there somewhere.)

1) Humira 
This one's pretty literal. I must have my Humira in order to keep living my life. The thing is, though, that in order to keep the medication at its proper temperature, I also need a refrigerator. I'm going to choose to ignore that fact, though, because I want my ten things to be more interesting than "refrigerator." 
2) My Computer 
I don't do very well without a computer. It's a little sad how dependent on it I am, actually. I'm very attached to my computer. About a year ago, my hard drive failed and it pretty much sent me into a tailspin. I know that this probably isn't healthy, but I don't plan on taking any steps to change it, so... that's why it's number two. Again, I pretty much need an internet connection to go along with this one, but I'm just going to ignore that. 
3) My iTunes Library 
I really love music and I've worked really hard on my iTunes library. I've got some of the most perfect playlists ever made. Seriously. I'm going down in history as one of the great playlist makers. Also, I need some good tunes to shake it to every once in a while. Remember how I said my hard drive gave out on me? The fact that I was going to have to rebuild my iTunes library was a big part of the resulting existential crisis. Don't worry, I now have it backed up. I'm never going through that again. 
4)  Heating Pad 
I wrote earlier this month about the awesome power of heating pads. They're wonderful. Enough said. 
5) My Blackberry 
Back to the electronics. Again, my level of dependency on my phone is sincerely unhealthy, but I can't see that changing anytime soon. So, here it is, on my list. 
6) A Good Book 
I tried really hard to narrow this down to one book. My favorite novel is To Kill a Mockingbird, but it probably wouldn't be my favorite if it was the only book I had to read, ever. But I guess I have an internet connection, so I'll have other stuff to read. Yeah, on second thought, just give me my Harper Lee and I'm good. 
7) My Bed 
I love my bed. It's comfortable. It's full of puffy pillows. I have those super comfy jersey sheets. Sure, I've slept in comfier beds, but there's just something so lovely about sleeping in your own bed. 
8) Netflix Account 
One of the best inventions of the modern age. I can live without it, sure. But I'd rather not. 
9) Research Database 
I need my academic article fix! Man, I love research... 
10) Popsicles 
Nothing calms an upset Myrtle quite like a popsicle. Plus, they've got jokes on the sticks.

That's my ten things. What would yours be?


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