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HAWMC Day 19: Best Dinner Party Ever

When I first read today's prompt to pick my five ideal dinner guests, my first thought was, "Easy. Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Maya Rudolph, Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy. Done." While this dinner would be pretty much the highlight of my life, however, my choice does not have a whole lot to do with Crohn's.  So, since this is a blog about Crohn's Disease, let's see if I can find five people that would be a little more relevant to my cause, eh? 

I'm keeping Tina Fey, though. She's my number one. She doesn't have a chronic disease that I know of, but I know in my heart of hearts that she's a cool enough lady to be able to chat about poo without blushing. I mean, it's Tina-Freaking-Fey. If you need more explanation than that, you obviously haven't been paying attention and I urge you to read her book while watching a marathon of 30 Rock. Right now. I'll wait.

My number two is Robert McRuer, the author of Crip Theory: Cultural Signs of Queerness and Disability. I read Crip Theory for my senior research project, and it pretty much changed my life. I'd honestly just love to sit and listen to McRuer talk for a while and this seems like an opportune time to do that. He writes about disability, I'm disabled, that makes this a relevant choice, right? Right.

Number three is my Grammy. She died when I was thirteen. We were pretty close. I'd just really love for her to know what I'm up to and that I turned out alright. I want to her to know that I'm still dancing. I want her to know about this blog. I think she would like it.

Number four would probably be Alice Sheppard of AXIS Dance. I've talked about AXIS before, but I don't know if I ever mentioned that I got the chance to see one of their dancers (Alice Sheppard) speak at a conference about a year ago. She was one of the most engaging speakers I've ever seen and she had some fantastic insight into the intersection of disability and dance. I would love to have a chance to pick her brain.

Finally, my number five. This is kind of a weird one. Ryan Murphy, the creator of Glee. I know, I know. Bear with me. I've been really, really frustrated with the representation of disability on Glee for a while now. (If I hear the word handi-capable one more time, Imma scream.) I know that they mean well, but that is not an excuse. I'd honestly just love to sit and have a chat with the dude about the language that should and should not be used in reference to disabled bodies. And if these other super cool people are there to lend their perspectives as well, so much the better.

Welp, that's my five. Who would you choose?


  1. You are a girl after my own heart. Can I come to your dinner party? Suffice it to say, you had me at Tina-Freakin'-Fey. But the rest of your insightful picks push it over the edge. Obviously I never met your Grammy, but just your mention of her brought up fond memories of my own. So, if I get to bring a dinner guest, I think I'd like to bring her. Or maybe Zooey Deschanel. Love your writing style. It makes me want to sing, dance, and be merry!


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